Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Lab #8: Database Management & Queries

1. What are the primary functions of a database management system?
    They increase data quality and independence, prevent redundancy, create centralized control,
    and allow multiple users so that data can be shared.
2. What is a one-to-one relationship between tables? A many-to-one?
    A one-to-one relationship between tables is when, for example, table 1 has a column of country
    names and table 2 has records of the names of the capitals; every country has only one capital that
    means that if the tables are joined every country will be joined to only one capital. Tha is a one-to-
    one relationship.

    In a one-to-many or many-to-one relationship is when one table has records for types of government
    and a second table has records for country names. In this case the tables can only be related because
    more than one country might have the same type of government. One record on table one may apply to
    more than one record on table two.

3. Why are relational databases so popular (i.e. what are the benefits)?
    Tables can be joined together using common row or column values, they allow for query flexibility,
    they coordinate data stored in a network database. 

  4.a. What is the Data Type of the LAND_USE field in the Landuse feature class? Text.
b. What is the Data Type of the LAND_USE field in the LanduseInfo.dbf table? Text.

5.a. Join the LanduseInfo.dbf file TO the Landuse feature class. Explore the table. What are the new fields  that have been joined (appended)? LU_DESCRIP; LU_GENERAL; LU_TYPE; and, SqMiles.
   e. How many total acres of Open Lands (including Open Land Uses) exist in this new feature class? Sum: 92236.771795.


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