Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Lab #2: ArcGIS & ArcMap

1. Software products included in ArcGIS: ArcReader, ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo.

2.I think it's better to perform most data analysis and layer symbolization in data view because it is easier to focus on the actual data and not on the display.

3 Two ways to obtain help for ArcGIS Desktop are: By clicking on the "what is this" tool and by pressinon "shitf" + "F1."

4. Attributes are stored in tables that are linked to the features on a map. When an attribute is highlighted on a table, the featrue on the corresponding map highlightes at the same time, and vice versa.

5. The file extentsion of an ArcMap document is:  .mxd

6. Two ways to zoom in and out of a map are by using the "zoom in" "zoom out" tools on the tool bar and by right clicking the layer on the TOC and selecting the "zoom in to layer" option.

7. Three operations available in the 'context menu' of a layer are: open an attribute table; lable features; and zoom to layer.

8. If a check box next to a layer in the table of contents is grayed-out, it means that "the layer's visibility depends on the map's display scale." The issue can be resoved by zooming into the layer.

9. A large scale map covers a small area. Ex: a map of a house; a small scale map covers a relatively large area. Ex: a map of the United States of America."The larger the scale of a map the nearer the features are to their actual size.

10. Features are objects, they have shape and size, and is represented with a geometric shape; A surface is more like a grid, each square has a numeric value and it's used to represent things that have no distinct shape such as elevation or temperature.

11. A GIS does not create project criteria; the criteria is up to the individual.

12. The minimum elevation of the cities Earhart visited was 0 in New Orleans, USA; the maximum was 1045 in Tucson, USA. I determined these values by viewing the attributes table for the cities that Earhart visited and by right clicking on "ELEVATION" and selecting "Sort Ascending."

13. The approximate distance from Dakar to Assab is  4169.32 miles. This can be done by selecting the "Measure" tool on the tools menu, placing the crosshair on 1st location and dragging it to the 2nd location (double click to end the line and make sure the measuring units is in miles).

14. One can figure out the names of the cities shown on a map by selecting the "Elements" tool and moving cursor over a city, and by right clicking on the cities layer on the TOC and selecting "Lable Features."


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