Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Lab#10: Data Entry

3. What is the feature class type (point, line or poly) for Springs? Point.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lab#9b: More Practice with Spatial Analysis

1. How many counties does the State of Iowa contain? 99.

2. Which county in Georgia contains the largest number of people, as of the year 2001? Fulton.

3. How many cities, with populations between 10,000 and 49,000, are located within the State of Washington? 31

4. How many miles long are all of the interstates in Los Angeles County? 4105.56 miles.

6. How many acres of urban area lie within Los Angeles County, based upon your results from question #5? Sum: 1441652.796875

7. How many zip codes have their centroid in Los Angeles County? 522.


9. Which Native American Indian Reservations lie within 75 miles of the City of Thurso in Canada? Kitigan Zibi Indian Reserve, Doncaster Indian Reserve 17, Kanesatake Indian Reserve 16, and Akwesasne Indian Reserve 15.


Lab #9a: Introduction to Spatial Analysis

1. What is spatial scope and what are the three types? Spatial scope is the extent or area of the input data
    that are used in determining the values at output locations.

a. Local Operation: It uses the data at one input location to determine the value at a corresponding output
b. Neighborhood: Uses data from both an input location plus nearby locations to determine the output value.
c. Global Operation: uses data balues from the entire input layer to determine each output value.

2. What are the different types of spatial selection operations? adjancency and containment

3. What are the two types of Algebra used in queries? boolean and set algebra.

4. Is there a feature dataset in the geodatabase? Yes, 'LosAngeles.'

5. What features classes are present? Lines.

6. How many features (records) exist in the Vegetation feature class in the Lab9aData.mdb geodatabase?     10896.

7. How many features (records) exist in the new VegCov feature class after running the dissolve operation? 9

8. How many wetland features (records) were selected? 404.

9. How many features (records) exist in the new "VegCov_Clip" feature class? 1450.

10. How many features (records) were selected? 355.